
The Harmony Project provides numerous programmes designed to help women face “post conflict” issues and take the vital steps towards reassessing and healing their lives and their communities. Through this process women will become more productive and involved in building healthy communities for us all to live in. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in programmes to gain knowledge, understanding and companionship. With sensitivity and care we invite and welcome women in our communities to join us in a safe place to continue on this courageous journey of healing and to move our lives into a place of acceptance, harmony and peace.


Our team of counsellors offer a confidential one-to-one service to women in the North West. Our counselling service complies with best practice as described in the BACP/IACP guidelines. About the Counselling Our counselling service is provided by a dedicated team of 14 counsellors. We provide counselling to women who are experiencing mild to moderate mental…

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CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

This 8 week course is ideal for anyone who has difficulty with stress, anxiety or depression. Participants will be given an introduction to CBT techniques and will be supported to challenge negative thinking resulting in improved self esteem and mood.  

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This 8 week programme can bring many benefits to your emotional and physical health. Mindfulness is the practice of becoming more fully aware of the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or projecting into the future. Mindfulness is an amazing tool for stress management and overall wellness as it can be used at…

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Coping with Depression & Anxiety

Depression affects the individual physically emotionally and spiritually.  It has a profound effect on self confidence and self belief. Over this 6 week programme the group will explore depression and anxiety the causes and treatments Talk therapies eg CBT and medication and self awareness and self care and possible lifestyle changes to improve mental health…

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Journey to Inner Peace

Journey to Inner Peace This 8 week course will assist you in understanding the value of exploring ways of dealing with personal conflict so you can gain a degree of insight into the value of your self awareness leading to personal growth. You will explore the concept of the real self and the dysfunctional self,…

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Patricia Villa


Contact Derry Well Women for more information regarding Harmony Programme

Course Enquiry

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